You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > On Ship Complete

On Ship Complete

This tab displays all orders where the sales order Billing Type is Ship Complete and at least one item is on back order and represents stock that has been allocated to a sales order but not yet delivered or invoiced .

Field Description
Debtor Customer account number and name
Invoice No The invoice number for each sales order
Invoice No The invoice number for each sales order
History No The current history number of the order
Record Date The date the invoice was created.
Sales Order Initiated Date The date selected as the sales order initiated date. This date can be amended until the invoice is processed.
Quantity Ordered The quantity that has been ordered
Quantity This Delivery The quantity allocated for this delivery
Quantity on Back Order The quantity on back order at this point in time
Warehouse The warehouse the order was created in
BackOrder Mode Automatic or manual
Sales Order Expected Delivery Date The expected delivery date of the order

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